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There are tons of alternative artists just waiting to be discovered on your favorite streaming services. We all have those big names we love, but lesser-known singers and bands put in just as much work, yet fail to make it to the big time. If you only stick to what you know, you will miss out on some beautiful new music.
You Can Support Lesser Known Singers
It isn't uncommon for huge artists like Taylor Swift, Rhianna, and Bono to be worth hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars. However, the vast majority of artists struggle to make ends meet until they get that big-time deal. Even then, success isn't guaranteed. Talented singers like Mina Tulchinsky earn income from streaming platforms and get paid royalties. Listening to their songs helps support lesser-known artists, and you will probably find something just as good.
You'll Find Something You Love
There's no end to the amount of artists you can find online with streaming platforms. From All Music to Spotify, there are countless talented singers and bands just waiting to be heard. Just because an artist hasn't made it to MTV, it doesn't mean they aren't as deserving of success and praise. If you enjoy the alt life, there's no more dramatic display of this as with the culture you absorb. Movies and music are perfect examples where alt subculture flourishes with talent.
Alternative Artists are Just as Good
More on talent, it is everywhere! Although 99% of artists don't make it to even mid-level fame, there are tons of talented musicians everywhere. The streaming platforms you love have many just waiting to be discovered, and it isn't hard either. You can simply search for "artists like…". This is a great way to find an artist you will probably love. Many of the alternative artists on streaming platforms are just as good, if not better, than some of the big-name performers.
They Collaborate with Big Producers
It's pretty rare that someone gets somewhere on their own. Most people have some kind of help. For musicians and performers, this includes producers and directors. Although you may not have heard of the artists, you might recognize some of the supporting staff on their records. This can be a massive indicator of the quality of the tracks you will hear, and some producers are excellent at getting the best from the artists, even if you haven't heard of the performers.
You May Have Heard Them Before
Maybe you haven't heard the names of the artists before, but you might have heard their work. For example, Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud," by far his best song, was actually written and composed by Amy Wadge. Amy Wadge is an excellent singer-songwriter who works with many big names. She is a perfect example of an alternative artist who is just as good as any mainstream performer getting tons of airplay and exposure. So, tune in, listen, and give support!
Your subscription and playback help support lesser-known alternative artists on streaming platforms. Many are just as good as any of the big names on the radio. In fact, there are tons of lesser-known artists who write and produce many of the songs you love from prominent artists.